Today I worked on cooking pizza's I wonder how would you like your pizza's made
and what ingredients you would use.
If you tried it but you felt like u failed, what could you do next time better ??? ...
Today I worked on cooking pizza's I wonder how would you like your pizza's made
and what ingredients you would use.
If you tried it but you felt like u failed, what could you do next time better ??? ...
Well Done Thomas coming in and joining our online class. It has been great to see you again and hear you cheerful voice. Keep showing up!
Hi bloggers so today me and my class were learning about the film festival and the amount of people that did it its amazing and all those videos were amazing but only one drew my attention the most was Tamaki's got talent.
I was amazed of how much talent they all had.
Regardless of how much that had happen to them they still show up with a massive smile and that why I liked their performance.
here is the link to watch their awesome performance
Kia ora my name is Thomas Li'a.
I go to Wesley intermediate school.At Mt Roskill
This is my flight recap document for WW1.
The WW1 is a fascinating history of the war.
It was back in the 1914-1918 when the war stopped.
For our rocket launch today the rocket blasted off but did not go very far,as they spun around in random directions.The wind was very high today.The launch went very well the rocket didn’t fail to launch and there were no issues with the equipment.What i noticed it that the rocket did not fly up this could be due to the angled to the launcher not being perfectly straight.I also think that the wings played a role in how the rocket moved through the air.I think I could improve this by changing the wings and making sure they are more solid and aligned correctly.My next steps are to work on my wings design to make it more stable and I also want to add a lid.This will hopefully help the Aerodynamics.I will probably use YouTube to do a bit of research on what makes a good rocket wing.
Now you can see my calculations of my work.This is a triangle so the rocket could fly.
Hi bloggers today i was learning how to use different types of chart and seeing who can throw the highest in the air .the majority people throw in air was 7.9 meters in the air.
kia ora my name is thomas
i go to Wesley intermediate school
Today i been learning about the WW1 it was so interesting how all thous countries collaborated to takeover a country.
kia ora my name is Thomas
I go to Wesley intermediate school
I hope you like my work tēnā koe
I know it not much but I hope you like it???
Today I was learning how to write,simple,compound & complex sentences. I found that writing was experimentally fun. I found writing complex & compound sentences to be really hard.
Have a good look at my work below & let me know what i could work on !
Blog you latter😝 😅
kia ora mo te tiro ki aku mahi he ra pai tenei
Kia ora my name is Thomas
I hope you like my message pls keep in touch with me and comment down below
Mauruuru mo to tiro i aku mahi ko te tumanako i pai ki a koe